
Food Allergies-Hiding in Plain Sight?


How do you know if you have a Food allergy? The classic symptoms of hives, or your throat closing, up are pretty rare. But food sensitivities and intolerances may be making your life miserable and ruining your health, even when you are trying to eat healthy.

Symptoms of food sensitivities and intolerances include difficulty losing weight, brain fog, bloating and digestive issues, depression, anxiety, irritability and mood swings, skin rashes, acne and dark circles under eyes, frequent colds and congestion, rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain. See what Dr. Oz has to say

Traditional food allergy testing often suggested a laundry list of 25-30 food issues, or none at all, and did not seem like a workable solution. The new lab test we are using reveals only 2-4 true long-term foods to avoid. As I wrote in my last blog, I found out that I have a sensitivity to egg yolk, something I never suspected. I was eating eggs all the time, while eliminating dairy and wheat. I am not planning to add wheat back into my diet, since these days most wheat is compromised and I do well on a low-carb diet. But at least I know that I am not allergic to it.

Since eliminating egg yolk I do see a difference. It seemed to be causing some inflammation and digestive issues that were subtle but there. Despite appearances I gained weight pretty easily, and that seems to be shifting, too.

Wouldn’t you like to know, once and for all, what foods might be causing some of your symptoms?  Call now and book a free 15 minute consultation to come in and talk about the new lab test. The test takes only a minute to complete and we send the lab work to Europe for the most advanced food sensitivity testing available.

This test could change your life and your health. 818-562-1400.

Do You Know the Signs of Heavy Metal Toxicity?

All of us are exposed to heavy metals in the Western World.  Metals may be food, air, or water borne. You may work in an environment that uses heavy metals such as construction, agricultural, manufacturing or other industries. Corrosion may cause an exposure when a metal was used as an element, such as lead in pipes.

A metal may be a trace metal in tiny amounts that is essential in the body, such as copper. But even a vital metal is a problem when it overwhelms the body’s ability to excrete excess, and stores in the body, eventually causing cellular damage. Many metals are toxic to nerve cells, for example. Heavy metals will cause organ damage and often store in the small intestine, wreaking havoc with digestion and compromising the immune system in the gut. They are also known to be cancer-causing.

The good news is that toxic metals can be removed from the body by getting a substance to bind with them and pull them out, or increasing the body’s ability to push them out through detoxification pathways. When the heavy metal burden is reduced, the opportunity for healing the organ or tissue is greatly improved.

Here are some symptoms of metal toxicity: Fatigue, weakness, joint pain, digestive issues, brain fog, constipation, ulcers, sperm damage, headache, poor attention span, irritability, loss of memory, lower IQ, decreased attention span, anti-social behavior, kidney damage. Metals will interfere with enzyme function or cause DNA damage. If you are considering pregnancy, it may be very important to reduce your heavy metal burden before getting pregnant. If you want to prevent cancer, there are few steps you can take that would be more helpful than reducing your toxic metals.

The most toxic metals are mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Knowing if you have an over-burden of these metals can help you take charge of your health, and protect your cells and organs in the long term.

Now there is a simple dried-urine test (pee on a strip) that identifies if you have toxic metal over-load. The test also reveals your levels of the essential trace minerals of iodine and selenium, which are vital for heart health and to protect you against cancer. Bromine can bind with cell receptors to prevent you from being able to utilize iodine and the test checks your bromine level, also. Bromine is a common ingredient in commercial bread products.

The price of the heavy metal test is normally $205. For the month of October, get a $20 discount. If you have a heavy metal over-load, supplements or a detoxification program can reduce the burden. This may improve your symptoms and will reduce your risk of serious health issues. We live in a toxic environment. Until we can reduce the environmental toxins by getting industries to clean up their act and stop poisoning us, all we can do is help our bodies to cope with the health consequences.

The test is a simple test you take at home and send it to the lab. The results may change your life. Every step you take to rid your body of toxins, chemical, metal or pathogenic, will improve your chances of feeling your best, and reducing your risk of serious disease.

Call the office to order your test kit. You don’t need an appointment and we can also mail the kit to you and send you the supplements, as well, if the results indicate that you need to reduce heavy metals. Find out if you are at risk and help your body stay strong.








Anne Dunev, PhD, C.N. has over twenty years experience helping people feel better by finding the root cause of what is causing their symptoms. Addressing that with the correct natural and nutritional medicine is her strength. With help restoring balance and function, thousands of people are living happier, healthier lives.


Frustrated with Feeling Stressed, Nervous, or Restless?

If this applies to you, there may be something you can do, without taking medication that will only mask the symptoms.

The body was designed for quick responses to stress. Something threatening appears, and the body goes into hyper-drive to avoid the danger. When the danger passes, the body should return to a set point of relaxation.

But when you have constant stressors, from deadlines, traffic, interrupted sleep, toxins, sugar and junk food and the emotional ups and downs of relationships, some people are living in a tornado of constant stress. The body never has a chance to relax and reset.

The body cannot differentiate between physical stress (tigers and traffic) or emotional stress (break-ups and arguments). Stress is stress is stress and the response, particularly from the adrenal glands, is the same. Cortisol is produced and excess cortisol will cause that hyped-up feeling of nervousness and anxiety. It will also interfere with sleep, make you crave sugar and carbs.

Too much cortisol in your system over time ruins your figure and causes weight gain around the middle. It may also cause muscle-wasting when it continues on over-drive.

The liver also does not function well. A congested liver, over-burdened with toxins, will not work correctly, and that can make you feel worried and anxious.

When humans ate organ meats like liver, brains and hearts of animals, they got plenty of B vitamins that are vital for adrenal function. Barley and brown rice grains have B’s, but they are high carb and will cause weight gain if you are not active enough to burn off the starch that turns into sugar when grains are digested.

One solution is to add Nutritional Yeast to your diet. It has a pleasant nutty taste, and can be added to shakes, soups or mixed in sauces. Nutritional yeast is gluten-free, full of B vitamins including B12, contains iron and is a complete protein. Brewer's yeast is another type of nutritional yeast with B vitamins. It is a by-product of beer production, and not gluten-free.

You can buy Nutritional Yeast at a Health Food Store or online.

Using Nutritional Yeast will take some time to work.  If you feel that the stress and anxiety is really making life difficult, there is more you can do. For a faster recovery to ease your stress add in Standard Process Cataplex B and Cataplex G. Together these provide a whole spectrum of natural B’s that you will not find in any other supplement on the planet. Commercial B complex only has 5-6 B’s, but Nature makes a couple of dozen B vitamins. All of them work together to give your body what it needs to perform vital functions and a lack of even one of the B’s can inhibit body function. Over time this can develop into a broken system.

We often make the mistake of expecting our body to “run on empty”. We neglect the nutrients that are needed and then wonder why we feel terrible, or get sick. If you want your body to stop being a source of distraction, pain and frustration, first give it the food source nutrients that make it work properly. If you aren’t providing all the vital minerals, vitamins and proteins, you cannot be surprised when things begin to break down. There is a Cause and Effect factor here, just as there is with maintaining your car or your house.

So, many of your uncomfortable sensations may be helped by getting your body better and providing what the body needs to heal and repair.

Helping you sort this out is what we do. From exercises to relieve muscle tension to detoxification programs to assessments to determine what you need to get your body parts working correctly, Natural medicine is the answer to your frustrations about how your body is treating you. Call us and find out how to get your body to chill so you can get on with your life.



Anne Dunev, PhD, C.N. has over twenty years experience helping people feel better by finding the root cause of what is not working well in the body. Addressing that with the correct natural and nutritional medicine is her strength. By restoring the function of specific parts of the body, thousands of people are living happier, healthier lives. Her office is located in Burbank, CA. Reach us at 818-562-1400.



Simple Guide to Kid’s Nutrition

Body builders calculate their nutrient needs, but how many parents know what their children require to grow healthy bodies? Your kids may enjoy counting up their nutritional score to see if they reach health goals, and this may help them make informed choices for the rest of their lives.

Every process in the body requires protein that has been broken down into amino acids and even tinier particles called peptides. Protein sources include meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products like cheese and milk, nuts and seeds. Some beans and legumes have protein, but these are not adequate for humans on their own, and they must be twinned up with other proteins to be complete enough. So, beans and rice make a more complete protein.

Soy is not recommended for kids because soy has compounds that cause estrogen-like effects. This may cause early puberty and too much estrogen for male characteristics. Puberty, or the onset of menstruation and development from children’s bodies to adult bodies, used to occur from age 16-18 in Victorian times. Now kids as young as 8 are experiencing puberty and our modern lifestyle and foods are causing this shift. Fluoride is another cause of early puberty because of its effect on the pineal gland, which monitors the onset of puberty. So, consider this when you buy toothpaste for your kids. I raised my kids on non-fluoride toothpaste, but gave them specific nutrients for healthy teeth, and they had zero cavities growing up. Tooth health is built from the inside, because teeth are alive.

For a graph of how much protein your child needs at every age see here.

Kids also need healthy fats from butter, unrefined oils like coconut and olive, nuts and whole dairy products. I always suggest buying organic dairy and don’t buy low fat or skim products because they are more processed. You can make a healthy treat by mixing organic butter, peanut or almond butter, and raw coconut oil together. Use equal parts of each and mash together to form a thick oily paste. Add some sea salt and stevia, xylitol or raw honey to taste. Put in a small bowl or press into a small pan and let set in refrigerator until firm. Cut off small pieces and enjoy for a healthy sweet treat that offers the right fats for anyone to enjoy. Good fats can reduce sugar cravings and this is a treat you can offer anytime, even at bedtime.

Introduce vegetables young and fix them a variety of ways so your child can learn about the different tastes and textures. Make healthy dips to serve with raw veggies.  Help your kids to “eat their carbs green” to avoid the trap of grain-based snacks that offer lots of calories and little nutrition, as well as being addicting. Let your child cook with you and let them get creative.

I think that minerals are not rated highly enough as a vital nutrient for kids. We all talk about vitamins, which are necessary for various body functions. But minerals are vital as the actual building blocks of the cells. Mineral deficiency is also a cancer risk. Potassium, zinc, magnesium, and calcium, as well as trace minerals like copper, iodine, iron, chromium and selenium are vital. Manganese helps ligaments (which act as bands to connect bones) so if your child plays sports, manganese can help them avoid injury. For more on minerals see

Really talk to your kids about nutrients and help them to understand the liabilities of junk foods and sugar and the importance of nutrition to help their bodies grow and function. I find that kids are fascinated by books on the body with lots of pictures to help them see what is inside. There are some movies that can help. For older kids I like this one from National Geographic

I found that some of the movies that try to teach kids start out with too many big words without explaining them, which is one of the great challenges concerning the body. The inside parts were named in Latin for research purposes, and is a barrier to understanding how it all works. It also means that most doctors can’t talk to patients because the doctors only know how to speak “Latin medical” and that is missing from everyone else’s standard education.

Osmosis Jones films are another fun choice. 

“Kidding Around the Kitchen” offers weekly demos at the Hollywood/Atwater Farmers’ Market on Sundays, and will do birthday parties and cooking classes with different themes. If you have a budding chef, you might even be able to delegate some family meals!

On a site called Red Tricycle  there is a list of farms that welcome kids. Helping kids understand that food does not come packaged from the market will help them become more informed consumers. There are big issues with genetically modified foods and poisonous pesticides that are already impacting kids’ health. Seeing where food comes from may enhance their understanding of the need for real, whole foods.

For eating out, here is a site that has healthy options to fast food dining in LA.

I see many older people in their 80’s and 90’s who are in good shape because they grew up on healthy, complete foods. My concern for kids today is that those whole foods are disappearing from the American diet and there will be long-term health consequences. My own kids considered me a food-Nazi when they were growing up, but they are healthy today and voluntarily take lots of supplements now that they have seen for themselves how they feel when they don’t eat well.

Kids are fascinated by muscle testing and I have given demonstrations at several schools to help kids see how their bodies respond to whole foods vs. sugar and junk. Let me know if you have any questions about kids and health.