
Back To School Special for Your Kids

All the stores are promoting supplies and clothes to get kids ready for school.  But the most important part of being a student is happening on the inside. Like adults, kids live emotional and mindful lives. Unlike adults they can’t always tell us about their stresses and body issues, which they may not fully understand.

Very few people of any age are eating a perfect diet. Kids may be picky about what they like and miss out on important nutrients. This can affect their performance in school as well as their emotional stability and physical development.

Even if your family is eating well, the nutrient content of food has declined, and is a concern to nutritional scientists. When you eat out you have no idea if you are getting any quality nutrition, with so many shortcuts to food preparation hat even good restaurants are taking to cut costs so they can serve giant portions of food. c

Helping kids to get the nutrition they need in a form they will agree to take may be tricky. But it can be done, especially if they are willing to drink a protein shake or smoothie. I taught my kids to take supplements at an early age by telling them to imagine that the supplements were surfers who had to “ride the wave”. If kids can swallow a bit of burger or a French fry they can get down a pill.

If your kids have any body problems natural medicine can provide answers. Just boosting their immune system can prevent school absences and the difficulty of trying to make up missed work.

Concentration problems are often adrenal related. Kids can have a high amount of stress in their lives and that may affect their adrenals.  Irregular menstrual periods are not “normal” and getting on the birth control pill is not the answer. It is far better to balance hormones so that a girl starts her adult life with a normal cycle. Did you know that menstruation should coincide with the moon and tides because the moon “draws” water. Women whose menstrual cycle follows the lunar cycle have less fertility problems later in life.  Women who are on the birth control pill for years are more likely to have fertility problems later on.

Acne may be related to toxins or to hormone imbalances. Drugs and hormones are not the safest answer. Getting to the root cause of the acne not only creates clear, beautiful skin, but prevents scarring and demonstrates the very real relationship between our hormones, our toxicity level, and our health.

Even if you, and many others in your family, had some of these issues, that does not mean they are genetic and fixed.

To help your kids be their healthiest, bring them in for an analysis. Kids’ first consultations are $75, half the adult price. Through 20 September get 10% off protein and nutritional shake powders for kids. You can help them start their day right with a delicious protein shake.

Don’t let your kids go vegan or vegetarian. Protein is vital for their development and mental stability. If they have questions about what they should eat, I am happy to answer them. How we farm and raise animals is often stupid and inhumane and we need to change those practices for the sake of all. But depriving your body of vital nutrients won’t change our farming system and could have long-term health consequences.

Looking forward to meeting your great kids and helping them stay healthy!

Are Your Cells Hungry?

Our grandparents and great-grandparents did not all die young. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams lived into their 80's and 90's! Infant deaths skewed the data, giving us a low AVERAGE life expectancy. People died of infections such as tuberculosis, malnutrition, and accidents. But there was virtually no heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity or other diseases we associate with age.

What can we learn from our long-lived ancestors? 

Eat food as Nature provides it and develop clever ways to preserve it in a natural state.

Canning is over 300 years old. The tin can was invented in Britain in the early 1800’s. Before that, meat was preserved by salting it.  Seamen died by the droves for lack of vital nutrients on long sea voyages. A diet of biscuits and salted meat did not sustain life and scurvy could be a death sentence, perhaps killing more than half of those who served during the Seven Years’ War in the 1750’s.

Food was also heated and in glass bottles, and then placed in boiling water by Nicholas Appert. Sterilization was not yet known, so Monsieur Appert was ahead of his time. This method preserved fruits and vegetables and vinegars. But the tin can was important because it could preserve meat without spoiling.

The oldest surviving tin can is in the London Science Museum. It weighs seven pounds and is filled with venal, and was taken by Sir William Parry when he explored the Northwest Passage. Sir Parry was searching for a route from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. He held the record for reaching the highest northern latitude of any European explorer for five decades. Apparently he favored fish on his sea voyage, since the tinned meat made it back intact.

Tinned foods remained a military staple until they were shown to the civilian public at the Grand Exhibition of 1851.

There were several scandals involving food canning, ranging from putrid meat to reports of lead poisoning from poor soldering. People were skeptical about the quality and dissatisfied with the taste of canned meats and vegetables.

The first canned food to gain popularity was condensed milk.  Urban farming was affected by the trend towards canned milk and improvements in transportation made global market penetration a possibility.

The American Civil War increased canned food production six-fold. In 1896,  technological advances improved speed and sealing techniques.  English foods could be exported around the Globe, since the sun never set on the far-flung British empire.

All this while, since the invention of the tin can, there was no easy  means of opening the cans developed. Bayonets and knives were used by soldiers and sailors. But the housewives and household cooks did not have a double wheel, serrated, can opener until 1925.

During the New Deal President Franklin Roosevelt’s program delivered 692 million pounds of food to hungry American people, much of it canned beef. Canned fish because affordable to people living hundreds of miles inland, and tropical fruits could be shipped to cold climates.

Don’t forget that the American invention of soda pop is served up in cans, not to mention the favorite of many-beer. The first beer in a can appeared in 1935, and sodas followed.  Cans were made either of aluminum (75% of world production) or tin. An interior liner was developed, from plastic or a waxy substance, to protect against a chemical reaction with the metal that might affect the flavor of the soda. “Church Key” latches were invented, which cut a triangular hole in the top of the can to pour out the liquid. The pop tab was invented in 1959 by an Ermal Fraze. The pull tab, although convenient, posed problems with safety, including stuck fingers and swallowing. The tabs were also created litter when people disposed of them on the ground.

Next came the push tab in the mid 70’s, which left a sharp edge that could cut fingers but solved the litter problem. The non-removing Stay Tab was further refined in the 70’s and is still in use today.

It would be interesting to discover if canned foods actually contributed to global population growth, since more preserved food because available. And I hope that it saved the lives of many soldiers and seaman, rather than making war more convenient for those who chose to wage it.

For modern soldiers, campers and hikers pouches and cartons are easy and convenient for preserving foods, weighing far less. However, tin cans are still better at preserving the flavor and the original state of the foods. And tin cans are better for stockpiling in the eventuality of a natural or man-made disaster.

Today we take refrigeration for granted, and it has granted us a means to enjoy fresh foods during every season on a scale our ancestors would have found astonishing.

So many of the foods we eat today don’t need to be preserved, by refrigeration or by canning. Only real food needs preserving. So, the majority of the foods that you see in bags and boxes on the grocery store shelves are shadows of food, punched up with chemicals in the form of flavors and colors. They won’t sustain life. Imagine an army marching on Skittles and Doritos. Or Twinkies, the all-time favorite junk food to bash.

Or imagine a child being raised on the same. Every new cell would be made out of red dye and chemical flavor enhancers.

So, what are your cells being made of? All body conditions must have a component of nutrition influence. Good conditions have a nutritional component and that is the good news. It is actually good news that pain, acne, obesity, diabetes and cancer also have a nutritional component. Because that means you can do something about it.

You can stock your refrigerator with healthy food, but you have to find the time (and inclination) to prepare it. I suggest that you try nutritious shakes and smoothies to start your day and/or fill the gap for those times when you arrive home too tired to cook.

Dr. Royal Lee, the developer of the first multi-vitamin in 1929, said, “One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s a substitution of artificial therapy over nature, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation.” He made this statement in 1951 after studying nutritional therapies for twenty-five years.

Food chemistry was really developed after WWII, and was a new field. Imagine how far the field has come today. Scientists know exactly what their research rats need to eat to be healthy, and they know that if they remove any vital nutrient the rats will get sick.  We can apply this same principle to humans, but the food companies don’t have to worry about your health, only your marketing buttons. You could go your whole life and hardly ever eat any real nutrient. But you won’t be well. Your body may actually be starving, even if you are carrying 10-100 pounds of extra weight. There is no substitution for what is in real food.

Live as long as Jefferson, Adams, or my great-grandmother who died at 96, but live healthy and strong.


For more about the history of canning see












Teeth-The Hard Facts

What did you learn about taking care of your teeth? I remember being told to brush after every meal, floss daily, and visit the dentist often to take care of the fact that brushing and flossing didn’t save teeth from cavities.

We all know that tooth decay is just one more reason why we should avoid eating sugar. But sweets in the mouth are only half the story. Like the Big Bad Wolf sugar can only blow your house down (or blow holes in your teeth) if your house is made of straw, or your tooth enamel is too weak or brittle.

How do you get strong teeth? Minerals. The very things that are so missing from the American food supply because of our farming methods run by the Dark and Evil forces of Big Agriculture.

In his seminal work, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, published in 1939, Dr. Weston A. Price published his findings following a round the world research project to discover why American teeth were so riddled with cavities. He found that primitive people (defined as those not yet enjoying the white man’s diet of white flour and refined sugar) eating their native diet, composed of locally procured meats, fish, vegetables, grains and fruits, had no cavities. They also had dental arches and palates so wide and strong that wisdom teeth grew in easily and teeth lasted a lifetime.

A new study warns us to stop eating so much sugar. Excellent advice.

But we also need to dramatically increase our minerals. In the years Dr. Price studied native diets, people around the globe had 2-10 times the ratio of minerals that Americans and Europeans had then. Today, thanks to more “advances” in modern farming methods, the problem is even worse.

The good news about minerals is that they are also cancer protective and they offer relief from many health issues. Calcium is not just helpful for bones and teeth. Calcium can cause what is called a “calcium flash” which signals the White Blood Cells to respond to an immune issue, such as a viral or bacterial infection. (Note that not all calcium is created equal. Some forms are more easily assimilated than other forms, and sufficient stomach acid is vital for utilization.) Calcium must also be in balance with magnesium and phosphorus because Nature seems to like families of nutrients to work together. Magnesium is the heart mineral, and assists muscle relaxation and nerve conductivity.

Zinc is vital for immune health, and many people are zinc deficient. Zinc and selenium are helpful for prostate health. Chromium helps blood sugar and is helpful for hypoglycemia and diabetes.

You get the picture, and it is a mosaic of minerals. Not all minerals are needed in mega-doses, but anyone eating the standard American diet is deficient.

We hope that organic foods have more minerals, and studies do indicate that, but it depends on the soil. In order to grow produce without pesticides it is necessary to husband and treat the soil, so chances are your money is going to be wisely spent on organic foods. But there are no standards for soil management in the U.S., like there are in Europe.

Plants have to use the minerals in the soil and convert them to the form our bodies can use. That is why we don’t just eat rocks. So, healthy organic vegetables that taste delicious probably have better nutritional content. And, it will deplete our bodies even more to break down and eliminate the toxins from the pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in commercial product. Not to mention that genetically modified foods appear to be causing DNA mutation. We won’t know the full impact of that until this generation of kids has kids. Do you want to wait until then?

We are already seeing more allergies, asthma, neurological disorders, Diabetes, obesity and cancer in kids today. So, one thing parents can do is feed kids organic foods. Concerned about expense? Check out Trader Joe’s. I am very surprised about how inexpensive their organic produce is. And they have pledged to avoid GMO foods in their products, although there is no way to verify this fully because there are no labeling laws for genetically modified foods.

So, there is every reason to get more minerals into your diet. Just be warned that some minerals being sold commercially are difficult to digest and you don’t want an accumulation of minerals gathering in your body. This may result in bone spurs or kidney stones. You want to look for forms of minerals that break down easily, and are not isolated, without other support minerals for balance. You may want to take some diluted apple cider vinegar when you take mineral supplements, to give yourself enough acid for the ph of the stomach. One way I can tell if you are getting sufficient minerals is by checking your saliva ph. And I also have a saliva zinc test to check your zinc levels.

Ask me about supplements that can give your children’s (or your) teeth the exact minerals and nutrients that build enamel and keep teeth cavity proof. Start these during pregnancy, eat whole-nutrient foods, and we can bring back the kind of teeth our ancestors had. Your money may be better spent on mineral-rich foods than on the high prices dentists charge these days.

Burbank Farmer’s Market now sells bone broth, or you can make your own. This is one delicious way to get the right minerals for bones and teeth. Here is the link to the skinny on the new trend in bone broth 

A good recipe here

Bone Broth is available from Whole Foods. Want bone broth delivered? 10 grams of protein, 0 carbs and only 48 calories! The Lakers’ Nutritionist is recommending it.

More on the work of Dr. Price at

By the way, don’t stop brushing and flossing. I love my oral irrigator. There is a new way to “brush” your teeth with German sonic technology. Amazing for gum health.

Avoid fluoride in toothpaste and in tap water. The excess can make teeth brittle instead of strong, and is toxic. Use a water filter like Clearly Filtered water pitcher to remove impurities and fluoride and look for fluoride-free toothpaste.

We have wonderful dental technology, for fixing sick teeth or replacing lost or damaged teeth. But dentists are never taught how to help you have healthy gums and teeth for a lifetime. Eating plenty of nutrient rich foods is the answer to beautiful healthy teeth. And the health of the mother is reflected in the health and teeth of her children. Nature pays it forward.







More on Sunscreens and How to Practice Safe Sun

Thanks to Jeff, who wrote in with a good point about titanium dioxide.  Environmental Working Group give a high score for safety to products containing titanium dioxide, but there are some concerns.

Titanium Dioxide: • If it is absorbed dermally or ingested where does it go? There are concerns about what the body does with an ingredient that it is unequipped to process. Babies are especially at risk because their skin is thinner, they frequently put their hands in their mouth, and they do not have well developed processes of elimination.• Depending on the type of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and how it is processed TiO2 can degrade more quickly when exposed to UV than non nano zinc oxide, generating free radicals. • The American Cancer Society has identified TiO2 as one of the top five potential cancer-causing substances that requires further study.

Jeff also expressed concerns about Zinc Oxide, but it breaks down to Zinc, which is a vital mineral, and oxygen. There is some concern from scientists about the nano-particle zinc oxide, because nano particles may be able to pass into areas of the body where they can store, such as the brain.

Nano particles help with the white pasty look of zinc oxide sunscreen. Mixing the zinc-based sunscreen with some make-up may dilute its effectiveness, don’t forget. I like to layer my sun protection, so adding a mineral powder on top, gives a little extra protection.

Skin cancer is a real risk with sun exposure. The question is why, since the sun is obviously vital for life on Earth? Skin cancer rates are much lower in Mediterranean countries. I suggest that it is the quality of the olive oil in the diet.

Early Nutritionists from the 1900’s called whole food, unprocessed fats, Vitamin F, and considered that these healthy fats were a balance to the over-production of Vitamin D from sun exposure. Nature loves balance and will usually provide her own. When processed corn oil, margarines and other refined oils entered the American diet, skin cancer rates soared.

So, enjoying plenty of good fats, vegetables and fruits, may be as beneficial as sunscreen, and give you that extra protection, on the inside.

Sunbathing has only been around for the past 100 years. Before that, a suntan was a sign that one worked outdoors and did not have the luxury of leisure time. Coco Chanel, who inspired women to wear trousers and aspire to elegant but casual fashion, was an advocate of a suntanned look. As a Mediterranean woman, she had the advantage of her French diet.

Advances in medicine and technology brought new interest in health and more leisure time for a rising Middle Class. Holidays by the sea became popular as healthy retreats.

There are no hard and fast rules about the sun, except one that rule that is universal. Don’t Burn. Know your skin, know your dietary habits, and know your skincare and sunscreen products. If you want to keep your skin looking young, I do recommend avoiding sun exposure.

If you are concerned about Vitamin D, take a very high quality fish oil every day, and ask me about other safe Vitamin D supplements.

Hope you are enjoying your summer, and staying cool and hydrated.  I just returned from Florida, where staying indoors was a no-brainer, given the degree of humidity. By the way, ever wonder what the number means when we talk about humidity? It is the amount of moisture the air will hold at a given time. Dew point is how much moisture there is in the air and humidity is how much moisture there is relative to how much the air can hold.  The higher the temperature, the more water the air can hold. And when the air can’t hold any more water, you get snow or rain.

There is more to it than that, but you get the idea. Regardless of where you are, if it is summer-time warm, you need to be drinking lots of water and eating veggies and fruits so you have the minerals your body needs to replace what you are losing by sweating.