Are You Suffering From Inflammation?

Inflammation can be a defensive response in the body. When bacteria or viruses attack cells, the immune system goes into action, sending Killer T-cells and other white cells that are part of the Lymph system to activate an attack on the invaders. This may cause discomfort, such as when a sudden flu virus makes you feel weak and feverish. The name for this immune response is "cytokine storm" because of the fury of the response.

However, other factors may also cause a cytokine storm, such as autoimmune attacks, when the immune system turns on healthy tissue, causing destruction or inhibiting healing. Hashimoto's Thyroid disease is an example. Any time the immune system under- or over-responds, the health of the organ, gland, or system involved is compromised. The ideal immune system calmly and systematically recognizes all threats to the cells of the body and handles them accordingly. A fever may be an appropriate response to an immune threat, for example.

But an immune system that is over-responsive can cause many uncomfortable symptoms, such as mucus, runny nose, coughing, pain, skin eruptions, bloating, water retention, fatigue, and weakness. The immune system that is on high alert may not respond correctly to a more serious threat and any auto-immune response causes functional impairment a break down of the organ or gland. Some researchers consider many disease states to be an auto-immune response.

Flu shots and vaccinations further tax the immune system, causing a red-alert response that may weaken it in the long-run. Environmental toxins cause cellular damage that may trigger auto-immune destruction as the immune system gets confused by the dying cells and begins to attack healthy tissue.

Medical drugs pump up, by-pass, or suppress the body's immune system. They do not support healthy, intelligent immune response. Look to natural and herbal medicines to modulate, support, and aid the immune system to sort out healthy cells from invaders.

And now there is another way to help calm down inflammation, working through the blood and circulatory system. When inflammation occurs it is like a traffic accident with too many emergency vehicles on the scene. Traffic congestion occurs. With chronic inflammation, it is like the emergency vehicles getting stuck, so normal traffic (circulation of blood and lymph) does not resume. Getting red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients to the affected cells is vital for the survival of the cells. And the maximum survival of any type of cell determines the health of the gland or organ.

A medical device that is FDA cleared for pain, inflammation, and arthritis has been developed to get the blood flowing into areas of congestion and inflammation, bringing symptomatic relief as the cells are revitalized. The device is called the Avacen and nothing will help inflammation more. The Avacen is a treatment, not a cure, but can make some dramatic changes. I have seen pain reduction, significant improvement in stress and sleep, hair re-growth, reduced sinus congestion, skin healing from acne and eczema, and great improvement in spider veins and circulation. The Avacen will increase microcirculation in those with desk jobs and sedentary lifestyles, which affect so many of us. Check out the video here

Emaill me at to learn more about the Avacen, and how to try a treatment for yourself. The Avacen device is available for home use, as well. 

Getting nutrition and oxygen to the cells is the key to robust health, and the key to keeping the body young and fit. Living forever is not possible, but living longer and stronger certainly is. The Avacen can be an effective tool in the crusade to stay ahead of the health game.

Where Does the Fat Go When You Lose Weight?

Since we talk about fat “melting away” you might think it just turns to liquid. But the truth is that fat is broken down into carbon dioxide and water. Lose twenty-five pounds and 18 of those pounds will leave the body as carbon dioxide, through the lungs. You didn’t know that your lungs were such an important part of any weight loss program!

So, you might say that you need to breathe to lose weight. Of course, you need to breathe to live, so it works out. And working out, or at least moving around a lot, is one of the best ways to lose weight faster, and to stay in shape in general.

This may explain why people with Sleep Apnea, which means they stop breathing a few times during the night, tend to be over-weight. And it explains why aerobics and stretching exercises that emphasizes breathing, such as Yoga, are effective.

Can adding more oxygen help? There is some evidence of that, but you can’t just suck oxygen through a breathing tube and work off a Big Mac or donuts. The body has evolved over thousands of years and its habits are deeply ingrained. Eating real food, doing a moderate to strong exercise program, and getting plenty of deep, refreshing sleep, is still the most effective way to be at your best weight.

How else can you use this information? One way is to make sure that you are breathing well at night and sleeping deeply. I have found that many people have sinus congestion, and some don’t realize it because they are so used to being slightly congested. Taking some homeopathic or herbal remedies to clear the congestion can help. Digestion is also an important component of good sleep. Food or environmental allergies may be affecting you more than you realized. Digestive enzymes, pro and pre-biotics can assist. Detoxification programs are generally very helpful for sleep. Don’t eat for a few hours before bed, and eat lightly at night. If you tend to get hungry before bed, eat some fat and protein in the evening to keep blood sugar level during the night. You should start to get hungry in the morning. If you don’t you may be eating too much at night.

Ask me about trying the Avacen microciruculation device in my office. FDA cleared for inflammation, it can clear the sinuses and get blood into the muscles that may have difficulty relaxing. The result for many is deeper sleep. One friend was getting up six times a night, every night. Doctors could find nothing wrong. His first two nights of using the Avacen he was able to sleep through the night for the first time in years. Another friendswoke up without lower back pain, and was able to get up and touch her toes in the morning, something she had not done in years.

Breathing properly might help. A physical therapist at our office taught me how to breathe more deeply, into the lower part of my lungs. It takes practice to undo old habits and I am trying to remember to breathe so that my belly expands with each breath. I have not noticed any weight loss, but I do feel that body relax more when I am breathing properly.

Breathing and exercise is all part of weight loss. But the best plan is to develop the lifestyle so that you don’t gain weight in the first place, and you have a default method for losing fast when you do, so the pounds don’t pile in. It is really too simple-eat like a healthy thin person. And that means eating less non-food and eating mostly real live food in moderate amounts. For most Americans there is simply too much non-food around us constantly. Spring is a great time to break old habits and turn over a new leaf on lifestyle, just when the trees are in bud.

Maybe it won’t be so hard to lose weight knowing that fat is just hot air and water, and not nearly as solid as it seems!





What You May Not Know About That Cough And How to Fix It

Between the smoke from the fires in California, the flu virus that is making the rounds, and the general increase in allergies and asthma, you are probably seeing a lot of coughing. If someone around you is coughing, or you are coughing, it can be annoying. Is it allergies or something contagious? Your doctor may be confused as to the source, but prescribe antibiotics "just to be sure".  Coughing is a natural response to clear the lungs. But it is also painful, irritating and disrupting. It is also a sign that your body and immune system needs help, regardless if the cough is due to smoke, pathogens, or allergies.

We think of lungs as a means of getting oxygen, but the lungs do more than that. Oxygen molecules pass from the tiniest branches of the lungs into the blood to get carried to the trillions of cells in the body. The cells give off carbon dioxide as waste, and the blood carries the carbon dioxide back to the lungs so it can be exhaled. Lung tissue and airways become swollen and blocked when we breathe smoke or other tiny particles. That impairs oxygen transfer and causes build-up of carbon dioxide waste. Lung tissue can then become permanently damaged if the particles you breathed are not removed. So, breathing in dirty air is one of the reasons we cough. And the whole body suffers at a cellular level when breathing ability is impaired. Did you know that the lungs would cover the surface of a tennis court if laid out flat? And the average person breathes of 13 pints of air every minute?

Using antibiotics for coughs has many liabilities. Viruses don’t respond to antibiotics. Respiratory infections, or sinus infections, may be fungus or candida based. Antibiotics will make these infections worse, and cause a deterioration in health generally. Many pathogenic bugs are now resistant to antibiotics, requiring more and stronger antibiotics. Every time you take a round of antibiotics you are harming your immune system in the long run. Yes, the damage can be undone. But it takes time, dietary changes, and a precise supplement program to really undo the damage. Check your tongue in the mirror. Your tongue can tell us much about your health status. PDF
A coated tongue indicates candida overgrowth, a pale tongue is blood deficiency, and a red-tipped tongue may indicate that your intestinal immune system is weak and your gut flora are not producing B vitamins. We have known since the 1940’s that the antibiotic drugs appeared to destroy the helpful gut bacteria that produce B vitamins.
This is not to say that there is never a place for antibiotic use. Antibiotics can save lives and must be used for certain deadly conditions. But even then, there is always the liability that there is collateral damage to the symbiotic gut bugs that populate the human intestinal wall.
The good news is that you don’t have to reach for antibiotics, unless the situation is dire, because there are highly effective solutions that will handle coughs and respiratory problems, and boost your immune system for the long term, making you healthier and more resistant.
Adding strong herbal remedies to your personal pharmacy can knock infections out, whether they are bacteria, viral, or fungus based. And we now know that many critters like to mix with other types of critters. So, an infection may have more than one component. And there is some evidence that bugs can morph to a different type inside the body. This is a principle of natural medicine that dates back to early 20th century. It is largely ignored by the Western Medical Establishment, the same people who brought us antibiotic-resistant Super Bugs, and still prescribe antibiotics without firm evidence of bacterial infection.
Standard Process and MediHerb are becoming leaders in the field of immune building, both for acute and immediate help, and long-term rebuilding of a compromised system. I was recently fighting off a flu, using my old stand-by Congaplex, augmented by Thymex and Calcium Lactate. I was not quite rising above it, so I added in Andographis from MediHerb, and in one day was beating it. MediHerb has recently released some other herbal preparations that can be used to wake a sluggish immune system and make it snap/pop to address virus, bacteria, parasitic and or fungal or mold organisms. The secret is to stay on the remedies long enough to reset the whole system. Add healthy nutrition, and you may find yourself stronger than you have been in years.
And since we now know that gut flora has some communication and feedback to the neuro-endocrine system (where the nervous system and hormonal system connect in the brain) more energy, mental clarity, and general feeling of well-being may result. Some of your daily struggles may be a result of your body being burdened with hidden infection.
This is cutting-edge science. Check out what the International Life Sciences Institute is discussing at their upcoming seminar on Nutrition and the Ageing Brain in Madrid, Spain,
“Microbiome (gut flora/bacteria) and Immune Status: Impact on Brain Function.” It takes about ten years for research to be recognized and implemented in doctors’ offices. So, you are ahead of your doctor on this subject.
If you are suffering from any non-optimum body conditions, consider that your immune system may need a reboot. Even weight and metabolism can be affected by infections and impaired gut flora. Bloating and constipation are common signs, but there are many others that you may not recognize, such as chronic sinus congestion, skin problems, irritability, fatigue, and coughing. Contact me and I can help get you on the right program. With the increase in types of immune challenges we face today, a strong immune system can save you from years of suffering and inferior health. The right supplements that are real medicine for the immune system can turn your health around.


Does Weight Loss Start in Your Head?

Did you decide that 2018 would be your year to lose weight? What if losing weight is not really about working out more, or calories consumed, or the type of diet you are on? 
Of course, if you are eating a particular regime strictly, and you are being successful long-term, this post won’t apply to you. You may have already mastered the head-game about food. But most of us are still pawns, at the mercy of our culture that serves us up fast food on every corner, serving sizes of candy, soft drinks, and pastries that could feed 5 people, and restaurant portions fit for an elephant.
Humans are very complex. And so weight loss may not be simple, or it would not be such a “big” problem for so many.
We all know about “stress” eating, when people eat because they are worried or confused. But there are many other triggers that cause us to over-eat. Knowing those triggers can help you to avoid the traps you may be falling into without realizing it.
Trap Number One is the See-food trap. We may well be hard-wired to reach for food we see. After all, it is only in very recent history that so many people have had an abundance of food around them. Seeing food and smelling food starts a chain reaction in our neuro-endrocrine systems, in our brain and our hormonal systems, that causes us to react, by first wanting, and then reaching for, food that we don’t need right then, and especially for food that is not really food at all. Does anyone think that donuts are actually food?!
So, one thing you can do is put away all foods that tempt you to eat them that are junk or snack foods and sabotage your diet. Throw out all the junk food in your cupboards. That includes your desk drawers at work. If you cannot do that because of the family, make an agreement that all snack and dessert foods will be put out of sight.
You may have to make a pact with your colleagues at work, also. One study showed that employees eat less candy if candy jars have lids instead of being in open containers. At one of the studios in Burbank, all junk food dispensers were removed. Ask that donuts and cookies be covered in the lunchroom. Or better divide the lunchroom so that junk food eaters have one section, and health-conscious eaters have another section. This is a matter of out-of-sight, out-of-mind, out-of-mouth.
Trap Number Two is going out to eat. Don’t eat at your desk. Get out, take a walk, meet friends. But bring your lunch from home, or eat at a restaurant that has healthy options and lots of protein and salad choices. See if the people at your table will agree to skip the bread basket. Share entrees or order appetizers. Decide before you go out that you will skip the carbs, such as the bun with your burger, or eat veggie and protein meals. Not only will this assist weight loss, it will also make you more productive in the afternoon. Don’t bring food that needs to be microwaved. Take the time to prepare a lunch that will carry you through the afternoon. This takes some planning and extra time to prepare, especially to avoid that sandwich with bread and cheese. Try lettuce wraps, and add good fats with bacon and avocado. One slice of cooked bacon is 43 calories. One ounce of cheese is 100 calories, and it usually takes more than one ounce to create enough cheese flavor for you to notice. Concerned about the fat in bacon? A small amount of fat will keep your blood sugar level through the afternoon. Which leads us to…
Trap Number Three is late afternoon energy drop. Our adrenal-cortisol levels, and our blood sugar levels, drop in late afternoon. That can produce an energy crash that makes us reach for food. The crash may be worse if sugar or refined and processed foods were eaten earlier in the day. First, drink enough water to keep your cells hydrated. Especially if you drink coffee, which causes the kidneys to work harder, you cannot use thirst to determine if you need to drink more. Cells need sufficient water to be able to move out waste and toxins, and uptake nutrients. Keep protein and fat snacks available. Nut butter with a piece of fruit might work. IF you can keep your blood sugar more stable, you may find that you can make it to dinner and not over-eat. If you can keep ingredients for a protein drink handy, this is a smart solution.
Trap Number Four is snacking in front of your computer or television. You might eat simply out of boredom, or habit. Try some mild exercise, nothing too strenuous that will interfere with sleep. Play a game, go for a walk, or read a book to break the habit if you have been accustomed to eating after dinner. The body does better if it does not have to process food constantly, so fasting between dinner at 6-7 and breakfast the next morning, gives the body a chance to catch up. You should be hungry and ready to eat in the morning. If you are not, you may be eating too much at night.
Trap Number Five is fear of hunger. This causes eating ahead of hunger because of worrying that there won’t be food available at the time. Some people eat right at bedtime for fear of waking hungry and others eat between meals.  Keeping blood sugar stable by eating healthy fats and proteins should help. The body also gets used to eating frequently and it may take some time and patience to get used to not eating as often. If you are at all overweight, your body does not need to eat as much food as you are currently eating. Your waist should be smaller than your hips, for men or women. If it is not, you are over eating.
Trap Number Six is delaying weight loss until a better time. If you delaying losing weight because you are under stress, don’t.  It is even more important to eat healthily when you are dealing with stress. And avoiding sugar and carbs may help you to sleep better, and keep your hormonal system more balanced, which will only help you cope better with stressful events.
Trap Number Seven is getting too little sleep. The metabolism slows down and the body craves more energy (usually sugar and processed foods) when you don’t get sufficient sleep. If you find that you are hungry at night, try going to sleep earlier. Your body may be simply tired, and that is interpreted as hunger. People who get too little sleep are often adrenal-fatigued, and that will affect blood sugar levels. There is no substitute for good sleep.
So, you can see that the nervous system and the hormonal system are responsible for regulation of all body functions, including weight loss and weight gain. Knowing how to manage this system gives you tools to modify your habits, without as much struggle against cravings and energy crashes.
A Detoxification program, or a Blood Sugar Balancing program can help jumpstart weight loss, improve mental clarity, sleep, skin and digestion. Find out how this can be part of your winter reboot by emailing me or making an appointment to see me. Text 818-863-6346 or email
Make 2018 your year to realize your goals and dreams. Healthy weight maintenance can make rest of your life more pleasurable when focus and clarity and steadfast energy help you to achieve
what you would like most out of life.