
Easy Colon Cleanse-10% Off

Good Way to Start 2015!

In my last blog I wrote about the importance of colon health. Our processed foods and stressful lifestyles make it difficult to stay healthy. I know that it may be difficult for many people to commit to a full detox program, so I have been researching an easy colon cleanse that anyone can do.

Benefits include less bloat easier weight loss, immune support, better digestion, and you may even find improved sleep and energy.

The products include a herbal Cleanse supplement, only two capsules per day, some great Probiotics, and digestive enzymes.  You take the products for a month. Ideally you eat a very healthy diet during that month of protein, vegetables, good fats and fruit and avoid alcohol, grains, sugar and coffee as much as possible. You can add in the SP Complete super nutritious shake if you like and juicing is a great idea.

Even if you cannot stick to the diet completely, at least you are doing something to improve your health and lower cancer risk. There should be no uncomfortable side-effects.

We can mail out the products to you if you cannot make it in to the office. So, let us know if you want a healthier intestine as a good start to 2015. Mention this blog and get 10% off the price of the supplements for the cleanse!