General Health

Knowledge is Power. Find Out What a Virus is and How to Prevent the Harmful Ones

I have been chatting to quite a few people about their concerns about the current virus scene and many of them don’t understand what a virus is and how it works in the body. So, this article will give some simple information and may help you to know more about protecting yourself from any harmful virus.

We think of germs as tiny living things that can cause illness. Did you ever hear your Mom tell you not to touch something because it had germs? Germs are microorganisms, which means they are very small. How small? A grain of sand harbors from 10,000 to 100,000 microorganisms!

Most microorganisms are harmless to humans, and some are vital to us because they are helpful and assist digestion and our immune system. Some cause illness. It is the job of our immune systems to sort out which are good for us and which need to be eliminated.

Viruses are a special class and different from bacteria. Bacteria cells divide and replicate, creating more bacteria. Bacteria need a food source to survive. Antibiotics can kill them because they are “alive”.  Some bacteria are killed by viruses, so not all viruses are bad for us.

Viruses do not divide and reproduce, so are not alive in the same sense. When a virus invades a host body it has to hijack the machinery of a cell to make new viruses. So the cell, instead of reproduce copies of itself, is forced to make new viruses which causes the cell to burst open and release more new invading viruses.

Viruses are probably the most abundant type of biological entity on earth. About 5000 different ones have been noted but probably a million types exist. We breathe in about 100,000,000 viruses any normal day! There are many different types. For example, viruses called bacteriophages attack bacteria, and this has some promise for treating bacterial infections and is being investigated as a cancer treatment in Eastern Europe.

There are several types of Coronavirus. They are called that because they have crown-like spikes when viewed under a microscope. Corona means crown. Other Coronaviruses include SARS, MERS, and the common cold 

So, now that you know a bit more about viruses, and you know that you cannot avoid them, let’s consider how to let them make you sick.

Medical doctors are trying to figure out why some people get sick and others don’t, when exposed to the same virus. This seems fairly easy to understand from a natural medicine point of view. Each person has unique strengths and weaknesses in their body and immune system.

Understanding that pathogenic viruses are sneaky devils, offers an opportunity to prevent them. You know all about the advice being blasted by the news media. Some of it is commons sense and some of it is designed to scare the living crap out of us, which only makes us more susceptible to getting sick.

All viruses are opportunistic. Their survival depends on “opportunities” to hijack living cells just like a car hijacker steals someone’s car. Since they cannot survive by themselves, they must use a cell in a live body to reproduce. And once they invade a living body they must take hold quickly before the host immune system mounts an attack.  Click here to see a video about how viruses invade cells and how the immune system stops them.

So, there are two ways to evade a virus. Since there are millions in the air on any given day, it does make sense to avoid people who are sneezing and coughing. Of course, many of those people have seasonal allergies, so it is hard to know who is sick and expelling cold and flu viruses, and who isn’t.

But, even better is to help your cells to resist the attack. One way to do that is to be sure you have plenty of minerals in your diet. And you need strong digestion to absorb minerals. Calcium and magnesium and zinc are some of the most important minerals, but that does not mean you should chew rocks. Vegetables are good sources of minerals. A low dose supplement may help. Make sure your stomach acid is strong. Apple cider vinegar, diluted in water, with a little raw honey added, is an old remedy during cold and flu season. Fresh squeezed lemon juice with some honey, diluted in water, is another good choice. If you are sugar sensitive you can use stevia or monk fruit instead.

The other way to ward off viruses is to make sure that your immune system is alert. Generally speaking, refined sugar suppresses the immune system. White blood cells become less active for five hours after we eat sugar. But there is some evidence that the sugar in fruit is helpful to the gut microbes that make up part of the immune system.

Common sense in nutrition prevails. Eat clean and healthy, and support your immune system so that it is ready and alert when needed.

See my next blog for specific ideas you can implement now.




Is the Keto Diet Right For You?

Keto stands for Ketogenic which is the formation of Ketones to use for energy/fuel in the body.  The Keto Diet is a way of eating that restricts carbohydrates (sugar, breads, pastries, and other grains) so that the body starts using fat for energy.

The body can “burn” or utilize either sugar (glucose) or ketones for energy. Ketones are made by the liver and are formed when sugar-glucose is not readily available either because of fasting or a carb-restricted diet.

Fat burning has some significant advantages. The metabolism of sugars and starches produces more inflammatory compounds than the metabolism of fats. So, people who have inflammation and pain may benefit from switching their dietary choices from high-sugar to low sugar/high fat.

Reducing sugar and starch from the diet, forgoing candies, pastries, breads, and pasta, is generally a positive and healthy change. The high incidence of obesity in the Western world is primarily from eating too many of these highly processed foods that taste good, are addictive, but have low nutrient value and too many calories.

It is not just that these foods provide excessive calories and make us fat. The most serious diseases that confront us today are from disrupted metabolism. Dis-metabolism is what gives wide swings in the sugar/insulin balance that maintains brain and nervous system function, and is vital for every other organ and system in the body. Ever suffer from a blood sugar crash? That is a breach of the delicate blood sugar balance.

The Ketogenic Diet has been shown to help several medical conditions. These include epilepsy, which is excessive electrical brain activity causing seizures, polycystic ovary syndrome, characterized by multiple cysts in the ovaries causing hormone imbalances, some cancer tumors, which may feed off sugar, Diabetes, Autism, and obesity. Blood pressure and cholesterol may improve on a high fat/low carb approach.

Fat distribution on the body is a sign of disrupted metabolism. Abdominal fat deposits and fat that invades skeletal muscle and the liver are considered general health risks for Diabetes Type II and Cardiovascular/Heart disease. Cognitive decline in the form of Parkinson’s, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s are also thought to be risks of our high sugar and starch diets.

There is also growing evidence that heart disease is actually a disease of inflammation, not a disease of cholesterol in the arteries. The blood vessels may become more brittle on a high carb diet. This is called atherosclerosis. Reducing carbs is of great benefit to the cardiovascular system.

So, is the Keto Diet right for you? If you suffer from any of the above conditions, the Keto approach may help. Keto Diet enthusiasts point out that people eating our American diet consisting of massive amounts of sugars and starches (from bread, pasta, and pastries) are destroying their bodies’ blood sugar balance.  Sugar and starches stimulate insulin to secrete into the blood. Insulin is the hormone messenger that opens the cell wall so that glucose is transported through the cell membrane into the cells. Eventually, the cells start to resist the insulin message, and that is the start of Diabetes Type II, or insulin resistance.

People do often lose weight and feel better because healthy fats are less inflammatory than sugary and starchy foods.

But the answer is not a one-size-fits-all. According to animal studies, it may depend on what kind of diet the individual was raised on. High sugar and high-fat diets in the formative years both may yield a lack of flexibility in how fat and sugar are later metabolized.

Beware if you have any symptoms of liver/gall bladder congestion such as bloating, gas, gall bladder cramping or pain, pale-colored stool, or difficulties with digesting fats, and get help before you launch.

In my experience with patients, I have seen that individuals who have gall bladder issues, such as stones or congestion from thickened or decreased liver bile, suffer when they switch to a high-fat diet. I have seen people who only had mild gall bladder symptoms turn on a firestorm with a sudden increase in dietary fat.

One of bile’s functions is to promote the emulsification of dietary fat, allowing it to be broken down and mixed with other fluids so it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. This can be imagined as similar to the way dish soap breaks down oil and fat on dishes so that the fat can be washed away.

The addition of Lecithin or bile salts supplementation may improve and assist bile formation.

Supporting the liver and gall bladder with natural remedies or cleanses may be enough. Or you may want to opt for a higher protein/moderate fat regime like Paleo or Mediterranean diets.

There are other risks to be aware of. If the high dietary fat can be metabolized correctly because the bile and enzymes are present, the biggest risk of the Keto Diet is nutrient deficiencies. Minerals and vitamins are not present in large quantities in fats, except for Vitamins A, D, and F. Animal tissue and organs and plant foods are the dietary sources of vitamins and minerals. Supplementation cannot be provided sufficiently over a long period of time but can serve to assist short term.

The Keto Diet is high fat/moderate protein. Protein breaks down to amino acids and peptides, which are used for every process in the body. Sufficient protein is important on Keto regimens to maintain muscle mass. Muscles burn more calories than fat so eating protein is part of building and maintaining a strong, lean body. Calculating fat/protein ratios to be successful at Keto for weight loss and general health depends on your current body mass and activity level. Protein is measured in grams, and are listed here

People who follow Keto need to be aware of their protein/fat ratio. Too much protein can slow ketogenesis (the formation of ketones for cell fuel). The body uses glucose first, protein second, and fats last. Restricting carbs without sufficient protein may cause a breakdown of muscle tissue. And don’t forget that the heart is a muscle! There are formulas for determining the correct ratio of protein to fat. Click here for help calculating the ratio.

We can learn a lot about human dietary needs from studying native diets for people who lived off the land and had to survive on what Nature provided in their local habitats. The Inuit and Eskimos of the far North ate few vegetables due to the short growing season but escaped all modern diseases. The muscle and organ meats of fish and animals provided their vitamins and minerals.

According to Harold Draper, a biochemist and expert in Eskimo nutrition, there are no essential foods—only essential nutrients. And humans can get those nutrients from diverse and eye-opening sources.

Check out for recipes and videos about high fat/low carb diets.

Regardless, corralling your sweet tooth, and passing up the sweets and snacks, is the only way to travel the road to health. There is a reason sugar and junk food is so hard to give up. The lack of nutrients triggers biochemical reactions so that the body starts to crave more and more Frankenstein foods. So darn unfair but there it is.

The key is to be wise about your own body. If you are struggling to lose weight the Keto Diet may help. Assess your nutrients and be sure you don’t become deficient. I do not recommend the Keto Diet as a life-long regimen, unless you are handling a medical condition like epilepsy or cancer. Ancestral nutrition teaches us that human diets have rarely been so restrictive, and then only when the environment demanded it.

Humans are basically Omnivores, which means that we eat protein from plants and animals, fat from plants and animals, grains, vegetables, and fruits. This diversity has allowed humans to thrive from the desserts to the Arctic.

It is only in very recent history that we became Snackivores and Sugar Addicts. We would be wise to fall in love with real food again. All we have to lose is obesity, heart disease, cancer, and senility. Hmmmm.